Wednesday, August 6, 2014


SYECC (Siaga Yudha English Conversation Club) is an English Club which was established on July 4th, 1999 under the auspices of Community Development Department (CDD) of PT Tunaskarya Indoswasta and PT Batamindo Investments Cakrawala (BIC) and under the supervision of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Batamindo. Already hundreds of members joined SYECC from year to year since SYECC founded in 1999. Many of those who joined SYECC, now become successful persons in their life because of English skills that they have learnt at SYECC. SYECC is previously located at Dormitory Block A5 No. 8, Batamindo Industrial Park, but now we have moved to Dormitory Block R13 2nd floor No. 3, Batamindo Industrial Park, Muka Kuning Batam.

SYECC introduces learning English relax and fun method. It’s different from such learning English taught in the formal class. The learning programs are well-designed which enables SYECCters (member of SYECC) feel comfortable during the class. There’s no teacher actually, we call “a handler “; person in charge who has responsible to lead the class. 

SYECC also provides some opportunities for each member to follow the self-development trainings provided for FREE delivered by professionals with various topics such as; Leadership, Organizing, and Delegation Couching, 7 habits, Training for Trainers, Time Management, Effective Proposal, Positive Thinking, etc. by the management team of Tunas Karya  and PT BIC. These trainings would be very useful for the members as knowledge sometimes required in the future. It is said "killing two birds with one stone". Such advantages are given in SYECC, where you can get your English improved and you also have a chance to dig your skills at the same time.

SYECC with strong family principles makes the members feel close one another. Although SYECC members come from various regions, SYECC doesn’t mind a difference ethnicity, race and the character as barriers to learning. We call it as a variation of friendship. Sure, there we can also enrich our knowledge about how to interact with people in different culture. We know it’s a must thing to have when we life in the multi-cultural society. In addition, SYECC is very caring and understand the meaning of "family" such in learning program, willing to learn and teach others. Adept thoroughly!

Come as friend, back as a family!

SYECC will always try to develop a method of learning that can be accepted and applied properly and fit to the needs of every members. Through several programs those have been structured well, SYECC will also be ready for those people who are willing to spare their time to join, sit together in the class, have a commitment and passion to learn English and ready to enrich and develop members' potential. So ... What about you? Are you ready meet us in the class? Come on guys!


Red. agus

Contact Person:
0822-9229-2297 (Agus)
0877-0036-4446 (Dika)
0821-6442-9609 (Nuri)
0877-3905-4861 (Tami)


Sekilas tentang SYECC (baca: 'syektu')

SYECC (Siaga Yudha English Conversation Club) adalah sebuah klub Bahasa Inggris yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1999 dibawah naungan Community Development Department (CDD) PT Tunaskarya Indoswasta dan PT Batamindo Investement Cakrawala dan dibawah pengawasan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Batamindo. Sudah ratusan bahkan ratusan member yang bergabung di SYECC dari berbagai wilayah yang silih berganti dari tahun ke tahun sejak SYECC didirikan pada tahun 1999. Banyak dari mereka yang dulu pernah bergabung di SYECC, sekarang menjadi orang yang berhasil berkat kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya yang dulu pernah diasah selama bergabung di SYECC tercinta. Sekretariat SYECC dahulu berada di Dormitory Block A5 No. 8, Batamindo Industrial Park, sekarang kita sudah pindah di Dormitory Block R13 2nd floor No. 3, Batamindo Industrial Park, Muka Kuning Batam.

SYECC sebagai tempat belajar bahasa Inggris yang berorientasi fun and relax yang tentu berbeda dengan suasana dan sistim belajar pada umumnya yang lebih terkesan formal membuat siapa saja yang belajar didalamnya merasa senang, nyaman dan mudah mencerna materi-materi yang disampaikan oleh handler. Selain itu, tidak hanya sekedar mempelajari bahasa Inggris dan mempraktekannya setiap hari, SYECC juga memberikan kesempatan kepada setiap membernya untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan pengembangan diri yang diberikan secara GRATIS dengan berbagai topik seperti; Leadership, Berorganisasi, Couching and Delegation, 7 habits, Training for Trainer, Time Management, Effective Proposal, Positive Thinking, dll yang dilaksanakan oleh management team PT Tunas Karya Indoswasta dan PT BIC. Hal ini tentu akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para member sebagai bekal kelak di masa yang akan datang. Seperti apa kata peribahasa “sambil menyelam minum air” atau “sekali dayung dua tiga pulau terlewati”, hanya di SYECC bahasa Inggrisnya dapat, pengembangan dirinya juga dapat.

SYECC dengan asas kekeluargaan yang erat membuat para membernya merasa nyaman. Meski member SYECC berasal dari berbagai daerah, SYECC tidak menjadikan perbedaan suku, ras dan karekter sebagai hambatan dalam belajar. Malah hal tersebut dijadikan sebagai variasi pertemanan. Disana kita bisa belajar banyak mengenal karakter dan menjadikan hal itu sebagai pengetahuan dan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan orang banyak. Disamping itu, SYECC sangat mengerti akan arti kepedulian dan “keluarga”, bahwa kita tahu tujuan kita adalah sama-sama belajar sampai bisa. Yang belum tahu akan belajar kepada yang tahu, dan yang sudah tahu bersedia mengajari yang belum tahu demi tercapainya tujuan kita. Mahir secara menyeluruh. Come as friend, back as family!

SYECC akan selalu berusaha mengembangkan metode belajar yang bisa diterima dan diterapkan dengan baik sesuai kebutuhan member. Melalui beberapa program yang telah tersusun dengan baik, SYECC juga akan siap bagi Anda yang bersedia menyisihkan sebagian waktunya untuk bergabung dan memiliki komitmen serta semangat tinggi untuk terus belajar sampai bisa dan terus memperkaya potensi diri serta mengembangkannya. So… Are you ready?

Let's join us!

Mari bergabung dan ajak teman Anda.


Contact Person:
0822-9229-2297 (Agus)
0877-0036-4446 (Dika)
0821-6442-9609 (Nuri)
0877-3905-4861 (Tami)

Monday, October 14, 2013


How to register?
1. Fill up your registration form

Payment & Fund Allocation

1. You will be charged Rp. 50.000,- for registration fee
This amount is allocated for administration, 1st monthly cash and learning kits.

2. Monthly cash : Rp. 25.000,-
This amount is allocated for SYECC necessities; learning material, stationary, tools and equipment, event,

3. You will receive a receipt for your registration payment and a Cash Card for monthly cash

4. All payment transaction is handled by Treasurer at office.

Contact Person:
Agus : 0819-262-1539
Basit : 0857-6553-2318
Nuri : 0821-6442-9609
Icha : 0856-6673-881

Saturday, October 12, 2013


There are several programs those SYECC run... Lets check them out!

1. English Regular Class (ERC)

ERC is conducted every Sunday at 7:30 PM - 9:3 0PM. The ERC target is to dig members ability in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The class takes place at Block R13 or Block P13.

SYECC has 2 (two) levels planned, they are Basic and Intermediate.

There is no person who teach in the class casually called a teacher, but we call it a handler. The handler is the person who guide and deliver the material of the day.

2. Kampung English Class (KE)

KE is conducted twice a week every Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 PM - 9:3 0PM at Block P13. KE is a designed program to create English speaking area in order to improve English skills among dormitory occupants.

3. New Member Orientation
All new member should join a new member orientation program to be declared as SYECC member. The program is conducted 2D 1N, usually in camping agenda. In this program all member will receive the information about SYECC, games, competition, trainings, new member ceremonial, etc.

4. English Test & Competition

The test is conducted in order to evaluate and measure the members' ability every period. If the score of the test meets with the pass criteria, so they can continue to the next level. The test involved four skills; reading & pronunciation, writing & grammar, listening, and speaking.

Competition is the way to show the ability among SYECC members. Some competition programs are offered to them whom ready to perform debate, read poem, speech, presentation and sing.

5. SYECC Funday

SYECC Funday consists of some programs; game, outbound, camping, watching movies and singing.

6. Moving Class/ Outdoor Class
More interactive class conducted outdoor

7. English Extra-Ordinary/ Extracurricular Class

Some programs are arranged in this class. Such as inviting foreigners or native speakers, therefore we can learn English through direct interaction with foreigners; follow some trainings provided by PT Tunaskarya, some self-development training like leadership, QCC, 7 habits, entrepreneurship, teamwork, character building, time management, computerization, soft skill, public sepaking, organizing event, etc. Broadcasting is also a part of our program.
The extra-ordinary class is held at least once a month on Friday night at 8:00 PM.



SYECC ("syektu")

SYECC (Siaga Yudha English Conversation Club) is an English club which has been organized at Dormitory Block A5 No. 8 since July 19th, 1999 under Community Development Department (CDD) of Tunas Karya Indoswasta and PT BIC (Batamindo Investment Cakrawala) as the place to learn English. But in November 2016 SYECC is moved to Dormitory Block R13 2nd floor No. 3.

The main purpose of generating SYECC is as a house to learn English so that all member be able to speak English especially those who work in Batamindo Industrial Park.


SYECC has a committee as in a such organization who loyally spending their time to develop SYECC for better in the future. Now we are running as Cohort: 20th which consists of

Chairman : Agus
Vice Chairman: Nisrina
Secretary : Jamiatus
Treasurer : Ria

Chairman : Dika
Secretary : Ria, Novi
Treasurer : Ali

Education: Agus, Nuri, Rina
Recruitment : Zuma, Febri, Adnil, Rofiqoh
General Affair : Andi, Tambayu, Amin, Seha
Public Relation : Jami, Rian, Huda, Bekhi


With more than 1K members joined since 1999, SYECC built a lot of good generation through well-structured programs which dig members' ability in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Not only focus on English teaching and learning, but also SYECC has many program to train members in organizing, presenting, relating and having a good conversation as a preparation to run their beautiful future. Most of SYECC members are workers, not only they who work for companies in Batamindo Industrial Park, but also almost all company spread in Batam, such as Kabil Industrial Park, Tanjung Uncang, etc. Some of them are also students for secondary and tertiary level.

Current Member in Cohort 20:
Itachi, Nenden, Sitti, Yola, Alif, Putri, Senja, Sila, Reza, Surya, Yuni, Aan, Amrukh, Ayu, Andre, Faaris, Fitri, Joe, Muji, Septi, Devin, Icha, Ratna, Basit, Rio, Bekti, Tofan, Fauzi, Siswanto, Ipank, Putra, Lenni, Dianna, Apint.


SYECC was successfully run some events; Speech, Reading, Telling Story Contests, English Reading Poem, Debates, Presentation Contest, Singing, Drama, Outbound & Camp, Broadcaster builder, self-development trainings, etc which is divided into some levels since 1999.


Siaga Yudha English Conversation Club
Batamindo Investment Cakrawala